May 30, 2009

HopeChange! NewSpeak Edition

Update on Recovery Act Lobbying Rules: New Limits on Special Interest Influence
...we will expand the restriction on oral communications to cover all persons, not just federally registered lobbyists. For the first time, we will reach contacts not only by registered lobbyists but also by unregistered ones, as well as anyone else exerting influence on the process. We concluded this was necessary under the unique circumstances of the stimulus program.

Translation: Even as a completely private citizen, you are now barred from communicating with ANY government offical about ARRA stimulus policy and funding and projects unless you do so in writing, on government forms. In triplicate, no doubt. Orally petitioning the government or expressing one’s views through speech under the First Amendment is now a no-no in this context. All in the interests of "transparency," of course!

Hope! Change! HopeChange™!

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