May 07, 2012


Parents: Rule’s half-baked
State’s junk food ban could take bite out of school fundraisers
Bake sales, the calorie-laden standby cash-strapped classrooms, PTAs and booster clubs rely on, will be outlawed from public schools as of Aug. 1 as part of new no-nonsense nutrition standards ...  
At a minimum, the nosh clampdown targets so-called “competitive” foods — those sold or served during the school day in hallways, cafeterias, stores and vending machines outside the regular lunch program, including bake sales, holiday parties and treats dished out to reward academic achievement. But state officials are pushing schools to expand the ban 24/7 to include evening, weekend and community events such as banquets, door-to-door candy sales and football games.
As a parent of two teenagers, I've got to say that if not for "competitive" foods, a lot of students simply would not eat at school. Not only do school lunches make the word "unappetizing" a HUGE understatement, but the crowding during lunch periods in large schools at times makes getting and eating the school slop literally impossible.

If the people of Massachussets are going to stand idly by and put up with this kind of nanny-state autocracy extending outside the school 24/7 to all school-related events, then "sheeple" is looking less ad hominem and more descriptive.

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